Reliability & Lubrication Audit


The goal of the audit is to identify areas of excellence as well as areas for improvement with an objective to reduce spending and increase reliability. The audit is carried out onsite and will provide a complete and through evaluation of the following:

• Management Support and Commitment
• Asset Management
• Risk Management
• Key Performance Indicators
• Preventive Maintenance
• Predictive Maintenance
• Root Cause Analysis
• Maintenance Materials Management
• Contractor Management
• Training
• Maintenance Practices
• Data Sources
• Application Equipment
• Contamination Control
• Lubricant Selection
• Quality Control Assurance & Contamination Control
• Oil Condition Monitoring
• Storeroom / Lubricant Storage Protocols
• Safety
• Waste Handling



The deliverables of the audit include an assessment and a complete list of lubricants used, application equipment and a physical inventory along with all lubrication points and volumes documented and assessed. Focused RCA, FMEA, and FRACUS studies will be provided as part of a comprehensive report along with obtainable Key Performance Indices will be issued upon completion as well as follow-up work provided. A typical audit normally takes up to 10 days to complete with onsite work taking from 3 to 6 days. Industries include refining, chemical, pulp paper, manufacturing, assembly, food processing, agriculture, mining, construction, transportation, rail, and marine.